Юзеры P990i дождались мода для камеры.
Hi there
This is my new mod for camera P990i
- Continuous shooting 6 pics (Burst 6, only 4 by default)
- Zoom level up to 400% ( 250 by default)
- seft timer upto 30 secs (20 by default))
- Pics size up to more than 1MB (500 by default)
- Pics quatilty get maximum 100% (90 by default
- Customization shutter sounds và seft timer sounds
- Auto rename picture to Pict0123...
- Auto rename Video to Vid0456...
( DSC000 by default...)
Hope you like it
Copy my attatchment as instructed patch and RESTART your phone
Important: ONLY FOR P990I, other phones may not use due to different RSC structures
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